反乱の報せ Rumors of a Rebellion
Audience Chamber
レア: Byleth、あなたの学級に、またお願いしたいことができました。
Rhea: Professor, I have a new mission for your students.
セテス: 実はロナート卿が、我ら聖教会に対して兵を挙げたとの知らせが入ってな。
Seteth: We have received reports that Lord Lonato has rallied troops against the Holy Church of Seiros.
Choice 1: ロナート卿とは? Who is Lord Lonart?
Choice 2: なぜそんなことに? Why would he do that?
レア: ……ロナート卿は王国の小領主です。かねてから教団に敵意を示していました。
Rhea: Lord Lonato is a minor lord of the Kingdom. He has been showing hostility toward the church for some time now.
セテス: すでにセイロス騎士団の先遣隊が彼の本拠、ガスパール城に向かっている。
Seteth: A vanguard unit from the Knights of Seiros is already on its way to his stronghold, Castle Gaspard.
Lord Lonato’s army is nothing compared to the knights. It is quite possible the rebellion has already been suppressed.
レア: あなたたちは、後詰めの騎士と共に事後処理を手伝ってもらえますか。
Rhea: Even so, I would like for your class to travel with the knights’ rear guard to deal with the aftermath.
セテス: とはいえ戦場では何が起こるかわからない。万一のため装備は整えておくことだ。
Seteth: War zones are unpredictable. We do not expect you will have cause to battle, but prepared for the worst.
カトリーヌ: 失礼します。レア様、アタシをお呼びだとか。
Catherine: Excuse me. You sent for me, Lady Rhea?
レア: Byleth、彼女が同行する騎士を率いるカトリーヌです。
Rhea: This is Catherine. She will be leading the knights whom you will be accompanying.
カトリーヌ: よろしくな、アンタの噂は聞いてるよ。何かあったら、アタシらを頼ってくれ。
Catherine: Nice to meet you. We’ve heard a lot about you. If you need anything, just ask.
レア: 彼女はセイロス騎士団屈指の勇士ですが、他の騎士たちも精鋭が揃っています。
Rhea: She is one of our bravest knights, and that is no small feat. Only an exceptional few have what it takes to join the Knights of Seiros.
This mission should prove useful in demonstrating to the students how foolish it would be to ever turn their blades on the church…